Real. Trusted. Security.™

Since 1994
Home and Business Security - Protection plus

Home and Business Security Solutions in Toronto and The GTA

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Pro­tec­tion Plus was absolute­ly incred­i­ble. The ser­vice they pro­vide is next to none. I have done exten­sive research on secu­ri­ty solu­tions and these guys know their stuff, do not over­sell you, are a plea­sure to deal with, and have great works­man­ship. The assess­ment and install were eas­i­ly arranged and com­plet­ed. If you’re look­ing to rein­force secu­ri­ty at your home, look no fur­ther, these guys are the best! Trust me, I would call them now!

Tony B.

Very effi­cient and fair. They were very pro­fes­sion­al and pro­vid­ed rec­om­men­da­tions that fit our needs. The instal­la­tion process was very quick and the ser­vice was very friend­ly. High­ly rec­om­mend Pro­tec­tion Plus. Steve and John where extreme­ly help­ful. Thanks guys! Elio

Elio M.

Every­one from the Pro­tec­tion Plus team was amaz­ing. The con­sul­tant took the time to come to my house to prop­er­ly assess the scope of work and quote me accord­ing­ly. The 3 tech­ni­cians sent to my house were so help­ful and nice!! And the office staff was great as well through­out the billing process. I’ve already rec­om­mend­ed Pro­tec­tion Plus to a friend and will con­tin­ue to do so!

Kal Pea

We Provide the Best Security Solutions for Your Home & Business.

Since 1994, PROTECTION PLUS has made the secu­ri­ty needs of over 25,000 cus­tomers our top pri­or­i­ty. Whether for your home or busi­ness, we strive to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive solu­tions to make your premis­es safe and secure for your fam­i­ly, cowork­ers and/or employ­ees. PROTECTION PLUS has part­nered with top Secu­ri­ty man­u­fac­tur­ers to pro­vide you with top-notch prod­ucts and ser­vices. Secu­ri­ty Sys­tems by Hon­ey­well and Resideo, Video Ver­i­fied alarm mon­i­tor­ing by Alarm-i, Secu­ri­ty Cam­eras, High-Secu­ri­ty Locks, Access Con­trol, Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film and more …. Backed by thou­sands of 5 Star reviews, PROTECTION PLUS is REAL TRUSTED SECURITY™.

Protection plus home security solution
Residential and commercial security solutions

Residential & Commercial Security Solutions

  • Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Fil­im
  • Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Bars
  • Fire & Life Safe­ty
  • Inter­com Sys­tems
  • Alarm-i

    Alarm-i, now the Police can receive video ver­i­fi­ca­tion of an alarm, and this can result in an upto 85% quick­er response from the author­i­ties…

  • Home Secu­ri­ty

    PROTECTION PLUS® is a full- ser­vice Secu­ri­ty provider. One-stop shop­ping for all your secu­ri­ty needs includ­ing; Hon­ey­well® and Resideo Alarm Sys­tems, Video…

  • Busi­ness Secu­ri­ty

    PROTECTION PLUS pro­vides a vari­ety of secu­ri­ty prod­ucts and ser­vices for your busi­ness. Alarms, locks, secu­ri­ty cam­eras, access con­trol, secu­ri­ty bars, win­dow…

  • Video Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion
  • Pri­or­i­ty police dis­patch
  • 85% quick­er response time
  • Crash and Smash Pro­tec­tion
  • Text and/or email noti­fi­ca­tions
  • See a video of what caused the alarm
  • Built-in pan­el glass­break detec­tor
  • Arming/Disarming pho­to logs
  • Home and busi­ness pack­ages avail­able
home security system
Home Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions
  • Alarm Sys­tems
  • Alarm-i Video Ver­i­fi­ca­tion
  • Secu­ri­ty Cam­eras
  • Lock­smith Ser­vices
  • High Secu­ri­ty Locks
  • Video Door­bells
  • Inter­coms
  • Door Rein­force­ment
  • Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film
  • Secu­ri­ty Bars
  • Fire & Life Safe­ty
  • Home Secu­ri­ty Audits
business security system
Busi­ness Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions
  • Alarm Sys­tems
  • Alarm-i Video Ver­i­fi­ca­tion
  • Secu­ri­ty Cam­eras
  • Access Con­trol
  • Lock­smith Ser­vices
  • Auto­mat­ic Door Open­ers
  • High Secu­ri­ty Locks
  • Inter­coms
  • Door Rein­force­ment
  • Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film
  • Secu­ri­ty Bars
  • Fire & Life Safe­ty

Our Affiliations

Our Customers


  • Why should I choose PROTECTION PLUS®?

    PROTECTION PLUS® has been pro­vid­ing inte­grat­ed secu­ri­ty solu­tions in the GTA for almost 30 years. We invest the time and effort to ana­lyze the fun­da­men­tal secu­ri­ty require­ments of your fam­i­ly, your home and your busi­ness. 

    Whether it is mon­i­tored alarms, video alarm ver­i­fi­ca­tion, cam­eras, locks, no-touch access con­trol, win­dow film or secu­ri­ty bars or a com­plete secu­ri­ty upgrade, we do it all!!

    Regard­less of your size or secu­ri­ty needs, we help secure you prop­er­ly.

    With PROTECTION PLUS, you are pro­tect­ed by one of the most trust­ed com­pa­nies in Ontario.

    Here are just some of the rea­sons to choose PROTECTION PLUS as your secu­ri­ty solu­tions provider:

    • PROTECTION PLUS has been in busi­ness since 1994. That means almost 30 years of expe­ri­ence!
    • Tens of Thou­sands of sat­is­fied Res­i­den­tial and Com­mer­cial cus­tomers across Ontario.
    • Check out our many 5‑star reviews on Google, Face­book, Trust­Pi­lot, and Home­S­tars.
    • Cus­tom-designed elec­tron­ic and phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty to meet your needs.
    • On-site Secu­ri­ty Audit for homes and busi­ness­es.
    • Great low month­ly mon­i­tor­ing rates on takeovers from $22.95 and on new instal­la­tions from $27.95
    • Price sta­bil­i­ty with a guar­an­teed mon­i­tor­ing rate for a min­i­mum of 3 years.
    • Lim­it­ed parts and labour war­ran­ty on new alarm equip­ment.
    • You own the alarm sys­tem, not leased or rent­ed.
    • State-of-the-art tech­nol­o­gy and equip­ment.
    • Spe­cial New Movers Pro­gram.
    • We sell, install and ser­vice our cus­tomers.
    • Trained, cer­ti­fied & cour­te­ous alarm instal­la­tion tech­ni­cians, lock­smiths & cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives on staff.
    • Under­writer Lab­o­ra­to­ries Cer­ti­fied, 24/7 mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice.
  • What is a Security Audit?


    Secu­ri­ty Expert will come out to your loca­tion and thor­ough­ly eval­u­ate the cur­rent state of your secu­ri­ty and life safe­ty pre­pared­ness. We will present var­i­ous options to address your secu­ri­ty needs based on our find­ings, enabling you to choose the solu­tion that best suits your needs and bud­get. Some of our clients may only choose one ser­vice to sat­is­fy their require­ments, while oth­ers may take advan­tage of many of our ser­vices.

    Our res­i­den­tial inte­grat­ed secu­ri­ty solu­tions include:

    • Alarm Sys­tems
    • Video Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion Sys­tems and Mon­i­tor­ing
    • Lock­smith Ser­vices
    • Safes
    • Secu­ri­ty Cam­era Sys­tems
    • Secu­ri­ty Bars
    • Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film
    • Stan­dard and Video Inter­coms
    • Fire and Life Safe­ty Pro­tec­tion
    • Pri­vate Guard or Police Response
    • Mon­i­tor­ing Ser­vice

    Our com­mer­cial ser­vices include:

    • Alarm Sys­tems
    • Video Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion Sys­tems and Mon­i­tor­ing
    • Lock­smith Ser­vice
    • Access Con­trol
    • Secu­ri­ty  Cam­era Sys­tems
    • Safes
    • Fire Detec­tion Ser­vices
    • Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film
    • Secu­ri­ty Bars and Gates
    • Pri­vate Guard or Police Response
    • Mon­i­tor­ing Ser­vice
  • What happens if there is a power outage?

    In the event of a pow­er out­age, your secu­ri­ty sys­tem will oper­ate using its recharge­able back­up bat­tery. The bat­tery will work for up to 4 hours before need­ing recharg­ing. Once there is a pow­er out­age, and the back­up bat­tery is engaged, the Emer­gency Mon­i­tor­ing Cen­ter receives a sig­nal inform­ing us of the sit­u­a­tion. We will then con­tact you and relay the infor­ma­tion. The sit­u­a­tion can be rec­ti­fied in most cas­es when pow­er is restored, or the elec­tri­cal fuse is reset. The back­up bat­tery should be changed every 4–5 years.

  • What happens if I move?

    An alarm sys­tem adds val­ue to your home! In most cas­es, you can have your con­tract assumed by the new own­er and/or trans­fer your con­tract to your new premise. Some con­di­tions apply.

  • What types of physical security do you offer?

    Alarm sys­tems are about “detec­tion”, but how do we keep the intrud­er from enter­ing in the first place? At PROTECTION PLUS, we offer solu­tions for detec­tion and pro­tec­tion. Upgrade your locks with key con­trol and high-secu­ri­ty lock solu­tions. Doors can be rein­forced with our Door-Safe Sys­tems and Door Guardians. Use an access con­trol sys­tem to lim­it and track who enters and at what time, and add win­dow film or win­dow bars to pre­vent ‘smash and grab’. These are just some of the ser­vices we pro­vide.

  • What is cellular GSM monitoring? Landline, VOIP, WI-Fi, Etc?

    If you are one of the mil­lions of Cana­di­ans with­out con­ven­tion­al land­line tele­phone ser­vice in your home or using inter­net-based phones (VOIP), you will need to know about cel­lu­lar GSM mon­i­tor­ing. GSM is an acronym for “Glob­al Sys­tems Mobile, ” the most stan­dard North Amer­i­can for­mat for cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Our alarm sys­tems are com­pat­i­ble with both con­ven­tion­al and cel­lu­lar mon­i­tor­ing. When land­lines are absent, we install a cel­lu­lar GSM unit and estab­lish a mobile data account for your home alarm sys­tem. Your alarm sys­tem now has its secure com­mu­ni­ca­tions path to the Emer­gency Response Cen­ter. It is no longer reliant on your home phone line and no longer vul­ner­a­ble to “line cut”. You may ask: “Can I use my inter­net con­nec­tion?” Pro­tec­tion Plus offers an alarm pan­el that can use your inter­net con­nec­tion to com­mu­ni­cate with the mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion. It does NOT elim­i­nate the “line-cut” vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and is only as reli­able as your inter­net ser­vice. The most secure mon­i­tor­ing method com­bines the inter­net and GSM for dual path mon­i­tor­ing. Ask us about rate plans and equip­ment costs.

  • Do you have locksmiths and alarm technicians on staff?

    Yes, we have trained lock­smiths on staff. They are bond­ed and have received train­ing through The Asso­ci­a­tion of Ontario Lock­smiths. Our on-staff trained alarm tech­ni­cians are bond­ed and trained based on CANASA pro­ce­dures. CANASA is the Cana­di­an Alarm and Secu­ri­ty Asso­ci­a­tion.

  • Do I have a warranty with PROTECTION PLUS?

    Yes! PROTECTION PLUS pro­vides a lim­it­ed war­ran­ty on new instal­la­tions. There may be a trip charge.

  • Is there a monitoring contract with PROTECTION PLUS ?

    Yes, the ini­tial com­mit­ment is for only 3 years. Fol­low­ing that, your con­tract will be month-to-month.

  • How do I know if I own my security system?

    The orig­i­nal con­tract you signed when the alarm was installed will tell you if it is a rental, lease or sale agree­ment. With PROTECTION PLUS, alarm sys­tem own­er­ship is always part of the con­tract.

  • What is ALARM‑i ®?

    ALARM‑i ® is a Pro­tec­tion Plus offer­ing that pairs secu­ri­ty sys­tem sig­nals with video clips of what caused the alarm. Video Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion helps iden­ti­fy what caused the sys­tem to go into an alarm state. This allows quick, accu­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion with emer­gency response per­son­nel and direct dis­patch. Many instances will result in Pri­or­i­ty Police Response by the author­i­ties.

Catherine Silva
Catherine Silva
Deion was awesome!!!!! He did the job right and very knowledgeable. He's polite and wonderful. Got the job done in under an 2 hours.
Brian Prosserman
Brian Prosserman
Quite simply, I trust Protection Plus. They just delivered another quality job at a great price with their terrific service. Thank-you! Two years later and I just had a repeat experience with Protection Plus; they are real professionals. I cannot put a price knowing they are always there for my security needs. Thank you!
Elisha Mandel
Elisha Mandel
Patrick did a great job, with a smile and patience! thank you!
Luigi Lopardo
Luigi Lopardo
Deion was my installer of my home alarm system. He provided great service and was very knowledgeable. Exceptional service from Protection Plus
Francesco Mirabelli
Francesco Mirabelli
Steve did a fantastic job was very professional and guided me through everything great job steve thank you
Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown
Just used Protection Plus again on a second property. Deion was great...very professional, prompt and friendly. He explained everything well and was very helpful. Really impressed with this company and their level of service. I highly recommend them...for the second time!
Frank Aylward
Frank Aylward
Dion and John did a fantastic job installing our cameras and great lesson on how to use them. We highly recommend them for any work you may need. True gentlemen that is rarely seen.
Michael Jolliffe
Michael Jolliffe
Excellent service from Deion of Home Protection Plus. He arrived early and fixed everything. Thanks again!
Padraig Warde
Padraig Warde
Deion and Brian were excellent - very clear instructions and exceptionally please